Our signature course for female athletes.
Build a healthy mindset for performance that is not at the expense of wellbeing.
Understand and develop resilience.
Be able to manage anxiety.
Combat negative self-talk.
Be better motivated.
Be able to keep focus and deal with distractions.
Learn techniques for emotional and physiological regulation.
Be better able to tolerate pain and discomfort.
Learn about goal setting and goal getting.
Learned, experienced, insightful.
Amber Halliday
FREE PREVIEWHow to navigate this online course
Getting to know you...
Who Am I?
FREE PREVIEWPrintable Course Outline
Introducing SKILLS
FREE PREVIEWLocus of Control (~3:20)
Goal Setting (~4:15)
Action: SMART Goal Setting
Dunny Wisdom: Goals
Habits (~5:00)
Chick Stuff (~4:30)
Learning Review: Skills
Introducing WILLPOWER
FREE PREVIEWSelf-efficacy (~3:20)
Dunny Wisdom: Self-efficacy
Growth Mindset (~3:10)
Healthy Obsession (~2:15)
Dunny Wisdom: Self-discipline
Motivation (~2:40)
Self-talk (~5:30)
Using body language for confidence (~21:00)
Action: Power Posing
Learning Review: Willpower
Introducing INSIGHT
FREE PREVIEWBody and Mind Awareness (~2:00)
Physiological Regulation (~4:30)
Keeping Focus (~5:20)
Action: Mindful Coloring
Visualization (~4:45)
Dunny Wisdom: Visualization
Learning Review: Insight
Introducing FUN
FREE PREVIEWPositive Emotion (~7:00)
Action: Three Good Things
Gratitude (~5:20)
Gratitude in Practice (~7:15)
Optimism (~5:50)
Dunny Wisdom: Optimism
Dunny Wisdom: Cognitive re-framing
Double Standards - 'Be a Lady' (~2:51)
Barriers: Double Standards (~5:40)
Media Literacy & Media Savvy (~6:00)
Barriers: Body Image & Energy Intake (~15:50)
Unhealthy Body Image #1 (~3:40)
Unhealthy Body Image #2 (~3:30)
Unhealthy Body Image #3 (~3:20)
Unhealthy Body Image #4 (~4:20)
Meaning, Engagement and Flow (~1:20)
Learning Review: Fun
Introducing TEAMWORK
FREE PREVIEWTeam Dynamic (~4:00)
Communication (~2:45)
Action: Communication Check-up
Vulnerability (~2:10)
The Power of Vulnerability (~21:00)
Coachability (~1:00)
Good Sporting Values (~1:30)
FREE PREVIEWLearning Review: Teamwork
I THRIVE Re-cap (~1:30)
Selected references
FREE PREVIEWYour next chapter!
FREE PREVIEWBefore you go...
You are ready.